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Build Organ Reserve

Writer's picture: Aura E. MartinezAura E. Martinez

What happened to me this passed weekend made me value the way I have been taking care of my body. I flew with some people who were throwing up, four to be exact, and one of them had the flu. Of course the person with the flu I was in contact with since she was at my side and she came close to me to tell me she had the flu. The following day I woke up feeling so drained that I was worried about traveling. I still flew out that night but by the time I was landing at the destination, I was feeling some body ache and was feeling cold. I honestly didn’t know how I was going to survive the trip since I was also having a headache.

When I came back to NY, my body was able to bounce back the following day and I thank God for that. I must say that was pretty quick. I know that is because of my organ reserve and it is this that I would like to write about.

I came across the term “organ reserve” while working on getting my credits for the requalification of my certification in Holistic Nutrition. What organ reserve means is that the organs have the capacity to allow the body to deal with stress through unused, extra functioning abilities. I compare this to savings. There will be times in life when financially you may be in a position where you will have to use your savings because times are tough. Organ reserve is like your savings account but just like you need to put money aside so that you can have for a rainy day, you have to build organ reserve so in times of stress, your body can cope and bounce right back up with no problem.

So how can you start building organ reserve? You start by starting NOW. Don’t wait until tomorrow, next week, next month or until the summer time. No, start NOW taking care of your body. This care, of course, will consist of eating healthy and taking the proper supplements that your body needs. The one mistake that many may make is thinking that they can have all their nutrition through food. Sorry but food is not grown the same way anymore and so many nutrients can be lost from the passage of time of the harvest to the cooking. Besides, I don’t think many of us, I include myself, eat the amount of foods that we need in order to get the amount of nutrients the body needs so that it can function at an optimum level. So make sure you supplement what you eat by choosing the right supplements. Being physically active also helps and to be physically active doesn’t mean doing hardcore workouts. It can be as simple as going for a brisk walk.

Make sure that mentally and emotionally you are right. When your mind isn’t right, nothing can be right. Now, I know that this can be a challenge at times. Trust me, I know, but it is a must to make an effort to be fit mentally and emotionally. Understand what drains you. Understand what triggers certain emotions in you. Do what feels good for you. Remember, you are an investment that you must make but you are worth the investment.

If you ever think for a moment that your body is just this thing that gets hungry every 2 1/2 to 3 hours and it isn’t something to truly treasure, think of what happens when you have no savings. When things really go sour, you have no cushion to fall back on. Well, same thing with your body. You want a cushion to fall back on and organ reserve is that cushion in times of stress. So I encourage you to start working on creating some organ reserve. If you need some help with that, you are more than welcome to contact me on this site.

If you love the blog, you will most certainly love my latest book Creating a Lifetime of Wellness: Start Having the Life You Deserve where I discuss topics that highly impact your well-being that perhaps you may not be aware of. You can purchase your copy on Amazon or on Barnes and Noble

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