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Are You Feeding Diseases?

Writer's picture: Aura E. MartinezAura E. Martinez

These past few days have been very stressful for me because of what my family and I are going through with my dad’s health. Finding him a rehab center was more challenging than we have thought. Luckily this week, after many weeks of looking for a rehab center for him, we finally found one that accepted my dad with all his medications. After one emergency after another, after speaking so much with social workers, with doctors, doing research, going around checking out facilities, there were times that I put my health aside, really. I skipped meals these past days, it was challenging to sleep and it got to a point where I knew that my regular routine was lost. I no longer needed strong coffee to feel jittery because I was able to sense that my body, even when there was no reason to feel agitated or stress, it still thought it was in a state of emergency. All this got me thinking about how easy it is to become chronically sick over time and because of this I ask you this one question…are you feeding diseases?

One thing that we sometimes fail to realize is that all of us are prone to diseases. All of us. However, what determines whether we develop a disease or not is our lifestyle. Our genes do play a role, however, whether or not you develop a disease will also depend on your overall lifestyle. This is why I do advocate not to abuse your body on a daily basis because there will be times that because of life’s circumstances your health may be compromised a bit. This is why it is important to give your body the basics on a daily basis. The basics are proper nutrition, proper sleep, physical activity and stress management.

Proper nutrition is the FUEL for the body. You are on the outside what you put in the inside. If you want everything to work properly in your body, feed it not just to control your hunger but to have OPTIMUM health. One thing that I must include with your nutrition is supplementation. It is CRUCIAL to take supplements. Why? Because as the word itself implies, it supplements what you eat. Supplements are not meant to make up what you don’t eat, they are meant to ADD to what you are already eating. However, when choosing supplements, make sure you choose high quality ones which would be pharmaceutical grade. I can discuss more on another post.

Make sure you get enough sleep. Sleep for everyone will be different since some may need more than eight hours of sleep while others may need less. Sleep is so crucial because it is when you sleep that cells are replenished, the immune system gets a boost, anything that you are learning are reinforced in the brain and the list goes on and on as to the benefits of sleep. This is a topic all on its own. If you want to feel balanced, alert, and not feel so hungry, make sure you get sleep.

Awww physical activity, a must to maintain health. It helps the blood circulate better throughout the body, it helps release the feel good chemicals in the body, and there is something about working out that just makes you want to keep up with the healthy eating. Being physically active creates a domino effect in your life so even if you have to start small, do so but stay active. Your body was designed to be in motion.

The last thing but equally important is stress management. Stress was not meant to be eliminated from your life. Stress has its purpose since it helps prepare the body to either “fight or flight” a situation that may be threatening for us. Even though stress has its evolutionary purposes because stress does help the body prepare to deal with a threatening situation or with an emergency, constant stress creates damage to your body over time. This is why it is important that you know how to manage stress. Find things that are soothing and relaxing for you and try to do those things on a daily basis. This is not a luxury, it is a necessity for your overall well-being.

Your overall well-being depends on all of the things that I have discussed in this post. You are worth the investment and time in yourself. Should you want to learn more about supplementation since I am passionate about that topic as well as overall well-being, you can contact me by filling out the “Contact Me” form. I encourage you now to start taking a look at these different areas of your life and to start taking care of your body now.

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