Some of you may know that my family and I are going through a difficult moment with my dad’s health. Today I spent the day with my mom and had to convince her, literally force her, not to go to the hospital to see my dad since seeing the state in which my dad is in is too hard for her. This was my suggestion since she is every single day by his side without taking care of herself the way she should which is not healthy for her. During the day it was tempting to speak about my dad and I had to remind her to think about something else. I am happy to know that this helped and this is what I would like to encourage you to do in today’s post if you are going through a rough time.
Indeed it is very tempting to think about the very thing that makes you sad, however, this is not beneficial for you in any way. Constantly thinking about what hurts you or makes you sad will make you spiral down, hurting your well-being in every way. In the end, you are of no good to yourself nor to others.
Thinking about something else isn’t about making believe that the problem or what hurts you isn’t there. Instead, it is about restoring your mental and emotional sanity so that you don’t start heading towards the negative path. And what is that negative path? It’s the negative path of feeling depressed, of being mentally clouded, feeling hopelessness, thinking and feeling that things are coming to an end, etc. These are path of destruction which leads you to a dead end street. It doesn’t serve you. In life, in order for you to solve problems and get things done you need strength and clarity and being on the negative path robs you of both these things.
How can you think about something else? Either listen to a music that makes you feel really good, talk to a really good friend that you trust, read the bible if that helps you, meditate, watch a funny movie, anything that works for you. Do your best to avoid talking about the topic that hurts you. Do your best not to look at things that reminds you of what hurts you. Again, this is not about you making believe that the problem or what hurts you isn’t there, this is about restoring your mental and emotional sanity. Wherever your mind goes, the emotions follow and wherever the emotions go, the body follows. You want to avoid creating a negative domino effect that takes a long time to repair. Also remember that the way you live your life affects others as well so take that into consideration when you feel really sad.
It is only normal to go through a rough time every so often in life. That’s because it’s life. What is important is how you deal with the rough times and one good way is to remind yourself every so often to think about something else. Doing so will help preserve your mental and emotional sanity, contributing to more well-being not just for yourself but for others as well.
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