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The Same Ol’ Same Ol’……

Updated: Oct 25, 2019

I would like to discuss this on today’s post because many times the reason why we feel so bored, frustrated, stuck, down, among other “negative” emotions that just rob our joy of living is precisely that- the same ol’ same ol’.

There are times when things being just the way they are is a great thing because things can always be worse. But, if this is the way you are feeling about your life, it is a matter of time for “negative” emotions to come to the surface.

Life becomes enjoyable when there is spice in our life. The truth is that we need a little bit of everything in order to feel great about life. Too much is the same as too little, as the saying goes in Italian. It’s in having a bit of everything that you are able to have balance.

One thing that you must remember is that you are the one who puts that spice in your life. No one else can do that for you. You are the one who knows exactly the recipe to your exciting life. No one else can get it quite like you can.

Now, you may be fooled into thinking that you need others in order to add that spice to life. Yes, your relationship with others is very important and others do play a role in your overall well-being but, one thing you must remember is that every relationship starts first with you.

In order for you to be able to add that spice in your life, you have to be right within you. You need to be centered, fully nurtured, fully loved, fully taken care of, fully appreciated and all this must first come from you.

You are the one who needs from you first. Others don’t need you first; remember that you are the one who needs you first. This is because only from a place of you being so full that you are able to give your best to others. It is only from a place of love that you are able to give genuine love to others.

Your spice will come from you knowing yourself so well to the point that you do and give yourself exactly what you need in order to be fully happy. Your spice will come from feeling so secure within yourself and that security comes from within. You get that security through self-mastery- there is no other way around it.

If you find yourself saying “same ol’ same ol’ ” and this just doesn’t feel good to you, it’s time to add some spice in your life. It’s time to shake things up a bit. It’s time for a change. Change for everyone will mean something different and it will be different for everyone. It could mean a change in your routine, a change in mindset, a change of job, where you live, etc.

Know that your life is not meant to be stagnant. Know that you are not meant to settle for something that just doesn’t feel right. Know that none of this leads to greater well-being. It’s important that you take responsibility for this and make the change necessary in order to make your life into one that you love.

I would like to invite you to take the FREE course I created called The Path to Your Nirvana™, which is a 28 day course with 5 steps meant to help you live your own happiness by understanding first what is getting in the way of you being on your own path of happiness, how to overcome it, learning to understand your actions and focus and getting you to the path that your true essence has in store for you. There is a free bonus course with this course so it’s something for you to take advantage of. All you have to do is click on the link, put your name and email address.

If you love the blog, you will most certainly love my latest book Creating a Lifetime of Wellness: Start Having the Life You Deserve where I discuss topics that highly impact your well-being that perhaps you may not be aware of. You can purchase your copy on Amazon or on Barnes and Noble

You can also read the blog on your Kindle by clicking on the Amazon Kindle store at and you can listen to my online radio show at I now have a YouTube channel which I will ask that you subscribe for more tips to increase your well-being

And if you would like to bring even more nature into your home, you can do what I do when I need a pick-me-up o when I have a headache, etc. and use the following oils that help me have more balance in life and I’m sure it will help you as well. You can also contact me so that I can help you choose the oils that will best help you.

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