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The Fine Line Between Caring About What Others Think and Feel Vs. Not Caring

Writer's picture: Aura E. MartinezAura E. Martinez

Since on my last post I discussed how in order to be authentic you have to be true to who you are and this will also mean that you can not care about what others think and feel, then you may wonder whether or not there is a fine line between caring about what others think and feel vs. not caring and to what degree should we care or not care and this is exactly what this post will be about.

First I want to discuss the “not caring part”. The reason why you shouldn’t care so much is because at the end of the day, no one else is living your life for you. No one else has to carry the consequences of your actions. No one else can do anything for you. Others can be a sense of support for you but no amount of support will matter if you are not the first one to support yourself. No amount of love from others will matter if you first don’t love yourself. No amount of any investment that others can do in you will matter if you first don’t invest in yourself. In other words, everything, absolutely EVERYTHING in your life starts with you. YOU are the one that matters most in YOUR life. When it comes to YOUR life, it is you who has to live with you for the rest of your life. Concerning yourself too much with what others will think and feel will hinder you, it will cripple you and prevent you from your own growth. This is because no one truly has the answers to your life. This is because other people may have their own insecurities that they may project on to you. This is because other people may be limited and this limitation includes that they may be mentally limited due to their own ignorance or limiting beliefs. They may be limited emotionally in the sense that they may not believe something is possible when you in your heart know it is. Whatever it may be, other people will always be limited because they are not you to know what you truly need and want.

Now, just because I write that you shouldn’t care about what others think and feel doesn’t mean that this is not a license to disregard other people’s feelings and thoughts and act in a careless manner. Not at all! To a certain degree you have to care because we all influence each other. You matter to someone and what you say and do has an influence on someone else. Even though other people’s happiness is not your responsibility, it is their responsibility, you can add to other people’s well-being by being a sense of joy to them. I think we come into this world to add to other people’s life in tremendous ways, it’s just a matter of us seeing that. It is in this sense that what others think and feel should matter. If your words and actions are going to hurt others, then it has to matter! If what you are going to say or do will add joy to others, then it has to matter! Everything and anything that you do has to come from a place where you are full and good. We have to be real and honest to know that we are not always going to be our best selves. We are only human. However, care about what others think or feel to the degree that you add joy and greatness to others. Not the opposite.

There is a fine line between caring about what others think and feel vs. not caring and that line is where is this caring coming from. Is it coming from a place of insecurity about yourself or is it coming from a genuineness of adding rather than depleting from others? THAT is the fine line. When this caring is coming from a place of insecurity, then you need to value more what you think and feel rather than others. When it comes from a genuine place of adding to others rather than depleting, then that’s when it should matter. Mastering this fine line is a must for your well-being.

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