What an odd title. It’s probably not a title that you expect to read when it comes to your well-being but this situation of which I’m going to write about may be a situation that either you may be going through because perhaps you are the leech or you know someone who is like a leech to you or you know someone who is going through this.
First I would like to explain what a leech is if you don’t already know. A leech is a segmented worm that sucks blood. As you can perhaps tell from this description, a leech is someone who basically sucks the life out of you since blood can be considered the life of the body. Usually to consider someone a leech, this person is one who drains the energy of others, they may be in great need of attention, affection or love from others. This person may not necessarily mean to be a “leech” and suck the life out of others but they do so perhaps unknowingly.
How can you know when you are being a leech? You will know if you are sincere enough with yourself and know that you need other people’s approval in order to feel loved. You are constantly looking for the person almost in a smothering way. You will also know because either others will tell you that you are draining them or they will want to be away from you. Please understand that it is nobody’s responsibility to give you the love that you need. That is YOUR responsibility. You are the one responsible for creating a life for yourself, for loving yourself, for caring about yourself and for making yourself happy. Giving this responsibility to others is not fair for others nor for yourself plus it is a burden for others.
What can being a leech show you? This can help provide you with some insight as to how you are neglecting yourself. Self neglect does lead one to want to latch on to others and get from others what they are not giving to themselves. If you notice this about yourself, stop yourself for a moment and give yourself some alone time. Don’t be afraid of your alone time. Some alone time can be great since it is during this time that you can get to know yourself better. Try to see what your soul is trying to communicate to you. You will be amazed at the areas of your life and of yourself that you have been ignoring.
If you have been a leech and have been annoying, know that many have been in your shoes and you can reverse that. You reverse that with some self-care. There is no other love like the one that you can have for yourself.
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