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The Danger of Waiting Until You Feel Like It

It would be great to wake up everyday feeling energized, pumped up and ready to do all the things that we must do in order to have the things and the life that we want. I believe that feeling this way is possible but it does require effort. Even effort is something that there are times we may struggle with because the truth of the matter is that we may not always feel the energy to put in the effort that is required.

There is a danger in waiting to feel like doing something that if that doesn’t get changed, the life that you want will still continue to be a dream. The problem with waiting until you feel like it is that not always are you going to feel like doing the things that you need to do in order to have the life that you want. Think about it. Do you always feel like going to work? Not really. Few people can say that they actually look forward to going to work. When you went to school or if you are currently going to school, do you always feel like studying? Not really. The reality is that there will be many things that you will not feel like doing but if you want to have the things you want, you must push through and do those things.

Waiting until you feel like doing something will delay you from having the things that you want. The one thing you can’t have back is time. Once time is gone, it is gone. The more you wait until you feel like doing something, the more time you will be wasting. What is needed most in order to get the things that you want is discipline.

Motivation is needed to get things started but you can’t rely on motivation to keep on going. This is where discipline comes into play. What can help with discipline is learning to keep your eye on the prize, especially when you are feeling lazy to do something. So how can you keep your eye on the prize at all times? Find what works for you according to how you function. Have a photo that reminds you of why you are doing what you are doing. Constantly remind yourself who you are wanting to be. Reminders are necessary for us not to forget our why behind our actions and they can keep us going when we want to give up.

Learn to see the lessons that you are getting from everything that you are doing. Even the most boring tasks there is so much you can gain. Nothing, absolutely nothing needs to go to waste and this includes the boring tasks. Everything serves for the purpose of growth.

Waiting…..there is a time to wait but not when it comes to getting certain things like waiting until you feel like doing something. This kind of waiting can be detrimental to your overall well-being because it can delay your happiness in every sense of the word. Waiting until you feel like it delays you from being the person that you are supposed to be. Waiting until you feel like it can make you have regrets in the future. So if you have been waiting until you feel like doing something, I would like to encourage you to think about the things that you have been delaying from doing because you have been waiting until you feel like doing them. Think about these things and if the objective of doing these things serves a higher purpose, then don’t delay in taking action.

If you love the blog, you will most certainly love my latest book Creating a Lifetime of Wellness: Start Having the Life You Deserve where I discuss topics that highly impact your well-being that perhaps you may not be aware of. You can purchase your copy on Amazon or on Barnes and Noble

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